012 – Ser Fluido en Español | To Be Fluent in Spanish

What does it mean to be fluent in a language? How long does it take?

In this episode, Jim and May dissect what it means to be fluent and how to get there.

Jim goes into depth about his own journey and what methods he used to achieve fluency in less than 2 years.

He mentions how Romance languages such as Spanish and Italian are the easiest for English speakers to learn and how there is even a system that can estimate the difficulty of a language,  along with how long each language will take an English speaker to learn.

Since doing a physical immersion is out of the question these days, Jim and May talk about virtual immersion this week as an additional method. Taking online classes, visiting language forums, and participating in online language exchanges are all ways of learning still available to everyone.

But never forget, the most important things are to stay committed and to accept your mistakes! No one is perfect and you should be proud to be on your journey.
