043 – Tamales: Su Origen e Importancia | Tamales: Their Origin and Importance
Out of the foods that we know and cherish today, how many do we actually know the origins of?
Take tamales for example – they are so important to Latin American gastronomy, especially in Mexico. But where did they come from? When were they first introduced to society?
For those who’ve never enjoyed a tamal, it consists of masa, or “corn dough,” steamed in a corn husk or a banana leaf. In addition to the masa, tamales can be filled with an endless list of things such as meat, cheese, or even fruit.
Find out the Mesoamerican history behind this delicious staple food. Did you know that the word tamal stems from the word “tamalli” in the Nahuatl language which means “wrapped” in English?
May breaks down how tamales played an important role in Aztec celebrations, and how friars that traveled to the Americas from Spain reveled over the dish as well.
Check out more details by listening to the episode!
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