138 – Las Mañanitas | The Little Mornings

138 – Las Mañanitas | The Little Mornings

If you want to fit in at a Mexican birthday party, there are a few things you need to know. One is the “mordida,” another is the piñata chant, and perhaps the most important is the traditional Mexican birthday song! In this episode, we share the lyrics and the meaning behind this unique song so that you can be prepared the next time you’re at a Mexican birthday party.

136 – Xoloitzcuintle, Perro Sagrado | Xoloitzcuintle, Sacred Dog

136 – Xoloitzcuintle, Perro Sagrado | Xoloitzcuintle, Sacred Dog

Hairless dogs aren’t often people’s first choice when adopting a new pet, but to the Aztecs, a curious breed of canine helped them cross into the underworld. In this episode, we explore the topic of the Xoloitzcuintle; the curious Mexican hairless dog breed with a fascinating history.

134 – El Tejate: Bebida de los Dioses | Tejate: Beverage of the Gods

134 – El Tejate: Bebida de los Dioses | Tejate: Beverage of the Gods

Mexico is rich in pre-hispanic traditions that you can still experience to this day. One of our favorites is a beverage you can taste in Oaxaca called “tejate.” This delicious corn and cacao-based drink has been used to help energize people for hundreds of years. Find out more in this episode where we interview doña Lucrecia, maker of some of the best tejate in Oaxaca.

131 – Cultura y Chocolate con Ervit de Chimalapa | Culture and Cacao with Ervit from Chimalapa

131 – Cultura y Chocolate con Ervit de Chimalapa | Culture and Cacao with Ervit from Chimalapa

For most, chocolate is a sweet made for enjoying as a dessert or in a candy. But for some communities in Oaxaca, it’s a cultural tradition passed down from generation to generation, where even the question “when are we going to drink chocolate” has a deeper meaning. Find out what cacao and chocolate means to Ervit from Chimalapa Cacao con Origin in this interview.

128 – 8 Mitos Sobre México | 8 Myths About Mexico

128 – 8 Mitos Sobre México | 8 Myths About Mexico

Even if you’ve never been to Mexico before, you’ve probably still heard all about their giant sombreros, Cinco de Mayo, and the afternoon siesta… but how much of this is actually true? In this episode, we take a closer look at eight of the most common myths about Mexico.

126 – ¿Gringos Gentrificando México? | Gringos Gentrifying Mexico?

126 – ¿Gringos Gentrificando México? | Gringos Gentrifying Mexico?

Travel and migration can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, you can enrich yourself with unique experiences, pursue happiness abroad, and help the local economy by spending your limited resources in a new-to-you part of the world. On the other hand, too much tourism or immigration to a specific area can raise prices, pressuring the locals to move out, and dilute cultural elements that made the a place desirable to visit in the first place.

120 – Aprendiendo y Viajando con Fred | Learning and Traveling with Fred

120 – Aprendiendo y Viajando con Fred | Learning and Traveling with Fred

Learning a language is more than just studying textbooks and grammar rules. At some point, you have to get out there and practice! Fred is a friend and student of ours who embodies this idea. He’s not afraid to get our of his comfort zone and practice his Spanish all over the world. And he’s done just that with us on our immersion retreats as well as with other Spanish schools in several different countries. Learn about his journey learning Spanish, the techniques he has used, and his mission to find the perfect place to retire in this special episode.

118 – Comidas Callejeras de México | Street Food in Mexico

118 – Comidas Callejeras de México | Street Food in Mexico

Mexican street food comes in many shapes, sizes, and degrees of spiciness. Sure, a lot of it has a corn base, a guiso, and salsa, but there’s much more to it than that. In this episode, we talk about some of the most popular Mexican street food – some of which may surprise you.