048 – Español Boricua con Speaking Latino | Puerto Rican Spanish with Speaking Latino

048 – Español Boricua con Speaking Latino | Puerto Rican Spanish with Speaking Latino

Tune in this week as Jared and Diana from Speaking Latino join Jim and May to chat about their Spanish learning resources for Spanish students and teachers alike.

They have published 12 books, each one focusing on a different dialect of Spanish. One of their biggest hits is a work called, “Speaking Boricua,” which is all about Puerto Rican Spanish.

046 – Cómo Entender a los Nativos | How to Understand Natives

046 – Cómo Entender a los Nativos | How to Understand Natives

Learning to have a natural conversation is probably the hardest part of learning a language.

Jim and May share a few funny stories this week about having difficulties understanding each other’s families while learning their target language. And they provide tips on comprehension when it comes to dealing with natives!

041 – 5 Secretos para la Fluidez | 5 Secrets to Fluency

041 – 5 Secretos para la Fluidez | 5 Secrets to Fluency

Have you just began your Spanish-speaking journey? Or have you been trying to learn for a while, but seem to be getting nowhere?

This week Jim and May chat about their 5 tips to success when it comes to language learning.

033 – Conociendo Veracruz con No Hay Tos | Getting to Know Veracruz with No Hay Tos

033 – Conociendo Veracruz con No Hay Tos | Getting to Know Veracruz with No Hay Tos

Tune in as Jim and May chat with Hector and Beto from No Hay Tos, a podcast that teaches Spanish through informal Mexican Spanish conversations about various different topics. Learn a ton about not only the state of Veracruz, where both Hector and Beto are from but also lots of fun Mexican phrases that you won’t find in your Spanish books.